Victoria's Healthy Aging & Wellness Boutique Clinic In Esquimalt, Victoria, BC
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Lip Liner, Lip Colour & Lip Augmentation
Lip Liner not only enhances the existing lip line, but may improve lip symmetry or camouflage any scars, such as hair lips. Lip Augmentation (Volumizing) increases the size and fullness of the natural lip line while creating a poutier, more dimensional look without the need for ongoing costly injections. Loss of natural lip colour through the aging process benefits dramatically from this procedure as well as from Full Lip Staining. It is important to note that full lip colour cannot be applied without first having lip liner. Our aim at Age Less Laser Centres is to give you a healthy looking natural and more lush mouth. You may still want to wear lipstick or gloss from time to time to coordinate with your wardrobe, but you won't need to.