Victoria's Healthy Aging & Wellness Boutique Clinic In Esquimalt, Victoria, BC
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If skin sagging & excess fullness are getting you down, ask us how, with the use of specific evidence based technologies and customized skin care and nutritional recommendations, we can make all the difference.
Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy uses the best of modern medical and aesthetic technologies available today: It uses Multipolar Radio Frequency to deliver superior results to any other non-invasive technology available in the industry. Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy is available exclusively in Victoria, BC at Age Less Laser Centres.
Your Multi-Polar RF Technology Questions Answered
​​This 4th generation Multi-polar - Radio Frequency / Magnetic Pulse medical aesthetic device delivers effective yet gentle therapy, providing exceptional skin tightening, facial & body contouring and an innovative way of effectively treating cellulite. This safe and effective treatment enables you to experience results focused, anti-aging solutions without any of the pain and lack of results often found in the earlier generation devices such as Thermage.
How Does Multi-Polar RF Technology Work?
Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy uses the synergy of Capacitive Electric Transfer (CET) through Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy technology to deliver controlled heat (from 39- 43 degrees Celsius) to deep dermal tissues without causing damage or discomfort to the epidermis. This deep heat tightens tissue (stretch marks & loose skin), melts fat and stimulates collagen production. The RF heat is delivered up to 15mm deep into tissue, with maximum heat delivered at 5mm. Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy is medically proven to assist in the healing of soft tissue injuries etc.
Is There Any Down Time?
The appropriate series using Multi-Polar RF Technology creates dramatic results without surgery and needs no recovery time.
Where Can It Be Used?
Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy is a well suited treatment for most any body area where you have loose skin, such as under your chin, your neck, your stomach, your love handles and your inner thighs.
How Many Sessions Are Needed?
Polar RF Thermotherapy has shown to be quite effective for most individuals with a series of 8 - 15 relaxing treatments performed once weekly. Due to genetics, stage of aging, hormones, sun exposure, quality of nutrition and at home skin care, some individuals may require additional treatments to fine-tune their particular concerns. Typical packages include: eyes, face and neck; upper arms; stomach, thighs, derriere & larger, sagging breasts, or any area that needs to be brought to a more favourable proportion.
How Quickly Will I See Results?
Unlike earlier generation devices where results, if any, were not visible for up to six months, in many cases, improvements can be seen after the first treatment with Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy, with increased improvements evident within 12 weeks after your last session.
Will I Need Maintenance Treatments?
Unlike previous generation devices, where regular maintenance was needed to hold onto your results, most clients only need 3 - 4 relaxing touch up treatments per year for long term effects.
When Surgery Is Not An Option . . .
For clients who are not interested in invasive procedures, Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy offers a safe, non-invasive, results oriented option.
Can Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy Assist With Pre & Post Surgical Procedures?
Post-surgical maintenance of 4–6 treatments can accelerate the fading of bruises and relieve pain. Post eye lifting surgeries will benefit from monthly or bi-monthly maintenance treatments to prevent the return of fluid and fat around the delicate eye area.
Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy strengthens the skin before liposuction and smooths post surgical unevenness, while reducing swelling and bruising.
Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy prepares and helps heal the skin when used before and after laser treatments or chemical peels, as it promotes collagen integrity.
The deep heat delivered with Tri Polar RF Thermotherapy also improves local circulation, promotes fibrous tissue breakdown and assists to facilitate movement of excess fluids and toxins through the lymphatics.