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Image showing before & after reults from rosacea treatment. Picture of beautiful young woman with clear skin.

Say Goodbye to Rosacea

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Non -Surgical Options

IPL Technology

Photo Pulsation

LHE Technology

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Custom Blended Serums

Enzymic Peels/Masques

Custom Blended Mineral Makeup

Physical Sunscreens

Rosacea Therapy Victoria BC 

Reduce Your Redness – Your Holistic Treatment Options


Rosacea begins as flushing & redness on the central face & across the cheeks, nose & forehead, but can also, less commonly, affect the neck & chest. As it progresses, other symptoms can develop such as semi-permanent flushing & redness, dilation of superficial blood vessels on the face, red domed papules & pustules, red gritty eyes, burning & stinging sensations, & in some advanced cases, a red bulbous nose. Traditional medical therapies typically consist of antibiotics and topical steroid gels which, initially, may temporarily decrease some of the redness, but unfortunately tend to weaken the vessels & surrounding tissues over time.


Rosacea is a common, but widely misunderstood, skin condition, which affects white-skinned people of mostly north-western European descent. Rosacea is often a genetic issue & those that are fair-skinned, such as those with a Celtic background, seem to have a higher predisposition to developing it. Women are more commonly affected but when men develop rosacea it tends to be more severe. You can get rosacea at any age, however; there seems to be a higher occurrence in those between the ages of 30-60.

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