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Spider Vein Removal In Victoria BC
Broken capillaries & spider veins are classified in medical terminology as “telangiectasias”. There are many different names associated with these lesions, including “Blood Mole”, “Blood Dot” & "Cherry Angioma" as well as the cosmetic / esthetic term, "Couperose Skin”. Blood moles resemble a red dot or patch & can appear nearly anywhere on the body. These lesions, as well as the cluster of capillaries under the eye or on the nose, as well as the vessels on the side of the nose, neck or upper chest, can all be classified under the category of vascular blemishes.
Heredity seems to be the most popular theory as to who gets spider veins. It is noted however, that those with fair skin have a higher incidence of spider veins while more olive complexions have fewer problems. Other contributing theories include age, hormones, sun exposure, alcohol consumption and other predisposing medical conditions. Trauma to the skin may also cause spider veins to develop.
Whatever their origin, these vascular blemishes can be removed easily & permanently with our specialized Radio Frequency device.
If you have a predisposition to telangiectasia, then a touch-up session once or twice a year can prevent them from becoming more apparent.
Q: How is the treatment performed?
A: The surface of the skin is cleaned & prepped. A fine tipped sterile probe is placed on the surface of the blemish. Low level RF & DC current is passed through the probe to the vessel. The blood in the tiny vessel is clotted or coagulated & stops flowing. With the proper "post” treatment care the vessel is naturally absorbed into the surrounding tissue. Typically, within 3-4 weeks, after which the vascular blemish disappears.
Q: Is the procedure safe?
A: Yes. Typically, telangiectasias are very superficial and can be treated with a sterile, disposable probe. Electro-coagulation has been used safely for years to remove vascular blemishes.
Q: Does it hurt?
A: Some experience a “pinprick” sensation that can be mildly uncomfortable, but for the most part the treatment is quite comfortable.
Q: How long does the treatment take?
A: Depending on the size & number of capillaries, minor conditions can be treated in one 15-minute session.
Q: What happens during the treatment?
A: During your treatment each vessel will turn white and blanch, immediately after your treatment the vessels will become red and slightly raised, however the next day the treated vessels will tend to look darker until the body has absorbed what it can and sloughed off any dry surface skin. This is normal and a good sign that the vessels were properly treated.
Q: How many sessions will I need for Spider Vein Treatment?
A: Smaller areas may need two to three sessions a few weeks apart. Larger areas with capillaries in close proximity, such as those commonly found on legs, need to be done in stages so as not to aggravate the skin. The darkest veins are treated first followed by the medium coloured veins and lastly the lightest coloured veins.
Q: What other methods can be used to treat vascular blemishes?
A: Many physicians use a hyfrecation device. A hyfrecator applies a direct current to the surface of the skin. With this method you can smell burning flesh & it tends to be very painful. Often scars are left where the imperfection was. Another method is laser treatment. Though painful & more expensive, the appropriate laser can be quite effective in treating larger & deeper vascular blemishes.
Q: Can it be used on my varicose veins?
A: No. We can only treat veins that are red or purple. Blue veins are much deeper and need to be treated by a physician who specializes in sclerotherapy.
Q: How does the RF Probe treatment compare to Sclerotherapy or laser?
A: Unlike sclerotherapy injections, the RF Probe treatment is non invasive and does not cause deep bruising. Many clients find Laser therapy rather uncomfortable and as such, besides the excellent results which can be obtained with The RF Probe, they find that the treatment for leg veins is also a much more pleasant experience.
Q: Will I need more treatments in the future?
A: Depending on whether your spider veins are caused due to a genetic tendency or physical trauma, a brief annual touch up treatment may be in order to catch any new capillaries that are starting. This way you may never need to do another comprehensive series of treatments.
You need to be careful & NOT disturb the treated vessels for 24 hours. Undue stress could cause renewed blood flow & the vessels will not be absorbed. After treatment, and with proper care, the treated vessels will tend to look darker before disappearing. This is normal & a good sign that the vessels were properly treated. It is advisable not to do vigorous exercise for seven days following treatment so as not to interfere with the absorption of the coagulated vessels. Also, avoid steam rooms, saunas, tanning beds & vigorous rubbing of the treated areas, basically anything that could cause the treated vessels to dilate, for seven days. Medium compression hosiery is recommended for 14 days to expedite and help ensure lasting results.