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Tattoo Removal In Victoria BC
Your Laser Tattoo Removal Options
Age Less Laser Centres in Victoria BC offers three methods of laser tattoo removal which can be used alone, or in combination, to gently fade and remove your tattoo over a period of time.
In the first method, we use different laser light frequencies to target specific colours within the tattoo design. For example, the Latest Generation 1064 Q-Switched Nd Yag Laser light is most attracted to and readily absorbed by dark colours ranging from black to dark blue and green.
Another laser system – the 532 Q-Switched Yag – targets shades of red and orange more effectively but, like all brighter and lighter colours, these pigments will need more treatments.
How The Laser Works
The laser causes a blister to form on the skin surface and stimulates the underlying cells to go into wound repair mode – in other words, to generate collagen to produce new skin cells. It also pulverizes the tattoo pigments into fractional micro-particles which pass into your lymphatic systems and so are flushed out with other body wastes. Some pigments may also disappear as your blistered surface skin sheds its uppermost layer.
Effects Of Laser Treatments
You will probably notice a visible difference in the brightness and extent of your tattoo after just two sessions. But deeper, more lasting pigment removal will probably require at least 8 sessions or more. The rule of thumb is the lighter and brighter the colour, the longer it takes. You may experience slight swelling and possibly some temporary mild bruising on the lased site, but this usually disappears within two weeks. Some clients have reported small specks of blood which also disappear within a short time.
Most tattoos can be successfully removed with laser light but this technique is not suitable for everyone. Our technicians will use a scientific scale to decide if laser tattoo treatment is appropriate for you, and if so, how many sessions you are likely to need. They will rate several factors on a scale of 1-5, including your skin type, the location and size of the tattoo, the colours and amount of inks used, the amount of tissue damage when the tattoo was applied, and whether the tattoo was reapplied on top of an older tattoo.
With this methodology, they can then decide whether this technology is the right method for you and estimate the number of sessions you will probably need to remove your tattoo. This information will help you to plan your course of treatment and a financial plan to pay for it. It will also give you a realistic idea of what you can expect after each treatment session.
How many treatments you ultimately end up having will depend on the results you want to achieve and the depth and colours of the pigments used in your tattoo. Clients who are planning to have new tattoos to replace their old designs are often satisfied with significant fading as they know the residue colour will be hidden under their new artwork.
Our second tattoo removal method is a Cryogenic System, similar to a wart removal system, which basically uses a probe to gradually freeze off the surface layers of the tattoo and stimulate the underlying skin cells to generate collagen and so produce new, un-tinted skin.
Much like lasers for tattoo removal, the effect of the cryogenic system is to blister the upper skin layers, causing temporary skin shedding, some reddening and slight soreness. The great advantages of cryogenic tattoo removal is that it works on all colours, regardless of their place in the colour spectrum.
We also use this technology to remove permanent makeup that was badly applied or has discoloured over time.
As with any tattoo removal method, slight skin texture changes and discolouration’s may occur, although these are usually short term and disappear over time.
And the third system we use is a European technology known as the Digital/Gel method which is a bit like having the tattoo painted on, only in reverse. First we spread a local anesthetic cream over the area to be treated. Then we tattoo a specialized, antiseptic, inert gel into your tattoo, which, over the course of the next 14-20 days, will gradually bind to the pigment and draw it out of underlying skin layers. The treated area will slowly scab-over, turn darker and then shed the upper surface.
This treatment has to be undertaken in short, incremental sessions and is more costly per session than other methods because it has to be carried out by qualified clinicians who have the appropriate Para Medical Skin Revision and Permanent Makeup Certification. However, you will probably need fewer overall sessions, so ultimately you may save time and money.
This method has been used in Europe for more than 6 years and has had widespread success.
Alone and in combination, over a series of sessions, these three state-of-the-art technologies have been extremely successful in diminishing the appearance of unwanted tattoos. These methods are safe, effective, and, for the most part, discomfort free. Many clients comment that it is less painful to have their tattoos removed than it was to have them applied.
Regardless of the method(s) used, you should generally count on anywhere from 8-15 sessions to remove your tattoo, or to fade it to your desire, depending on its complexity. We have had a few clients who only needed 6 sessions but this is not the norm. How long your tattoo takes to remove, and the method(s) we use to remove it, depends on the type of ink used, how deep the ink was injected, how many different colours were used, where the tattoo was applied, how old the tattoo is, whether the tattoo artist was a professional or an amateur, and whether the tattoo was applied over a pre-existing tattoo or if there is just a single layer of ink.
We always hold a personal consultation before embarking on any treatment so that we can design a custom package that suits you, your skin, your tattoo and your budget. We also perform patch tests to see how your skin reacts.
You will need to attend a series of tattoo removal sessions every six to twelve weeks over a period of several months in order to get the maximum benefit from your tattoo removal treatment. Your skin needs to recover and regenerate completely after each treatment so that we can see how much of the tattoo has been successful removed. Our skin care experts will advise on how to look after your treated tattoo between sessions.
No clinician anywhere can guarantee, unequivocally, that your tattoo will disappear completely, or that the skin will not show some pigmentary discolouration or textural changes over the short or long term. But with persistence and repeated regular treatments, it is definitely possible to cause the tattoo to fade, and in many cases to become imperceptible. Our technicians have many years’ experience and you can rest assured knowing that they have the skills and will do everything possible to fade or remove your tattoo permanently in the shortest possible time.
Once you begin a series of treatments it is advisable to complete the course. We offer various financing options, both in-house and externally through non-affiliated third party lenders, to make the process more affordable, and also offer special advantageous offers when you commit to a series of treatments. The price drops as the area that needs to be treated diminishes. You will be pleased to know that we have not increased our price and still charge the same amount as when we first introduced this treatment 10 years ago.
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